Performing Arts Instructions



sing, dance, act or perform spoken word poems you may enter Thea’s performing arts competition. No instrumental solos but students may sing with an instrument, but their vocal abilities will be the only portion considered for judging. No a cappella performances. 

Audition Video Length:

The video should not exceed two minutes in length.


No costumes, wear practice clothes.


No props may be used in your audition video with the exception of a stool or chair. 


An accompanist or recorded music is acceptable for use in your submitted audition video. 

Video File Requirements: 

We are seeking one consistent, low production video (shot at the highest-res available to you (mobile phone videos are perfectly fine) that showcases your talent in its simplest, purest form. No produced videos will be considered: no editing, multiple camera shots, etc.

Naming your Audition Video and Headshot Files

You may upload your performing arts entry at anytime before the deadline. Your video should be an mp4 or mov file and your headshot should be a .jpg file. Be sure you name the file according to these instructions.

e.g.   Audition Video Name Format: audition.mp4 or 

e.g.    Headshot: headshot.jpg