Film Instructions
A $10,000 first place, $9,000 second place and $8,000 third place scholarships are available for Arkansas high school seniors. Scholarships will be awarded to the student’s institution of choice, regardless of planned major, GPA or test scores.
Thea scholarships are awarded solely on talent, never test scores, GPAs or intent to major in the arts. Your scholarship will travel with you to any college you attend, but if you choose to attend one of our more than 20 education partners, your scholarship could be matched with additional scholarship money. Click on Education Partners link on the left side of the screen.
Thea scholarships are open to students who attend public, private, charter or home schools, as well as those who have completed their GED.
Students entering the Film Scholarship Competition must be an Arkansas graduating senior of 2026 to be eligible for a Thea Scholarship.
This year The Foundation will not limit applicants with a specific theme. Instead, students are encouraged to submit work that best reflects their unique talents and creativity.
Films can be up to 20 minutes in length.. Submissions need to include a short essay (500 word maximum) explaining your process when creating the film. Each student must describe how the theme is reflected in their film.
Key Deadlines
Students are required to register through the Thea website by January 11, 2026.
If a student is in need of assistance submitting a film and the accompanying essay for consideration, please contact Paul Leopoulos at or (501) 379-9512 for instructions.
Naming Your Uploads
Naming your film entry and headshot
e.g.: in the example below I’m uploading three photos using this format:
Example Film Entry
Video: or video..mp4
Example Headshot Upload File Name
Headshot: headshot.jpg